What is in a name? Well if it's Hozier, for a lot of people like me that have to say his name on a daily basis, there is a lot of frustration. I got the memo early on for how to say it right luckily. But it means even more to hear it right from him!

But to be honest even after watching this video, I am reluctant to say this, but he might not know how to pronounce his own name. This is what I am always saying about names. Names and correct spellings of names. Your parents were trying to be a pain if they didn't spell it like everyone else. A name has a correct and known spelling. It's a way to identify you. If I can't pronounce and spell your name, and you blame it on me, you got it all wrong. If you live in the south and you have an uncommon name, you got to expect to get a face when you say it. So for the record, it's Ho-zee-er, like cozier. I think that's kind of fitting because his music makes me fell very cozy indeed!

But you don't have to take my word for it. Here is the man himself, let him take you to...school.

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