Thought this was a pretty ingenious life hack. All you need is a penny and a hair tie. Now just watch the video, and you can ride and wear a skirt!

It’s called Penny In Yo’ Pants and it’s the perfect solution for women who love wearing skirts just as much as they love to ride bikes. The cost for this amazing technology? Well a penny and a rubber band. So a couple of cents.

Just follow these easy instructions and you can bike without showing your bits.

1. Find a penny or a button, or anything similar.

2. Get a rubber band or hair tie.

3. Now put on your favorite skirt!

4. Push the penny from the back of your skirt to the front, through both layers.

5. Form a button at the front of the skirt, using both layers.

6. Wrap the band around the button making sure it’s secure.

7. Now go ride your bike without embarrassment!

It’s really super simple. But just to make it more complicated there is a Kickstarter campaign to make an even better penny in yo pants. Cause there is always a kick-starter these days.

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