
17 Incredible TV Twists (That Fans Completely Figured Out Ahead of Time)
17 Incredible TV Twists (That Fans Completely Figured Out Ahead of Time)
17 Incredible TV Twists (That Fans Completely Figured Out Ahead of Time)
It takes a lot to stand out in the era of Peak TV, and no one series can resist the siren song of shocking twists. Some lay groundwork more carefully than others, so which major swerves were audiences miles ahead of? From LOST to Star Trek: Discovery, we’ve sleuthed out seventeen that savvy viewers put together long before showrunners intended.
Dexter Season 7 Trailer [VIDEO]
Dexter Season 7 Trailer [VIDEO]
Dexter Season 7 Trailer [VIDEO]
Clearly, I need to make good use of my DVR and get up to date on Dexter. How is this show entering it's seventh season and I haven't caught on yet? Everyone I know who watches it is obsessed! Do I really need another new obsession? Dexter returns to Showtime Sunday, September 30th...
Dexter Sees Its Final Days [VIDEO]
Dexter Sees Its Final Days [VIDEO]
Dexter Sees Its Final Days [VIDEO]
Dexter has a cult-like following. The people who watch it are ADDICTED! That's why I'm sad to report that Showtime has decided to 'pull the plug' on Dexter after it's eighth season.