No matter how old or young at heart you are, snow is always beautiful. But in Dallas, TX and most of the Lone Star State, there's just not much we can do when we do get it. It's usually such a small amount.

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Growing up in Idaho we had snow on the ground pretty much half of the year, but you know what? Even in Idaho, kids still run to the windows to watch it fall school playgrounds

At nighttime, the bright white snow would light up our entire town, it was always breathtaking.

While it's warm today, recently many parts of Texas experienced frigid cold temperatures and little bit of snow too. Like outside our windows the town looks like IHOP French toast. Minus the syrup. You know, just the powdered sugar.

Well, guess what? It's just enough to shut The Lone Star State down but not too much else. For instance only pluckiest Texas kids were able to piece together a four-inch snowman in their front yard.

No, in Texas we are much more accustomed to 100 degree days than snow days, in fact Tyler, TX averages around eleven 100-degree days per year. Because of this many more folks have swimming pools in their backyards than snowmobiles in the garages.



So, if you can find a pool I recommend taking the always fun polar plunge, that's still attainable no matter how little snow we get here in Texas. And, hey, while you work up the courage, check this out:

Top 6 Things You Can Not Do in Less Than an Inch of Texas Snowfall

Snow is a beautiful sight to behold, but in Dallas, TX and most of the Lone Star State, there's just not much we can do when we get it and plus it's usually such a little bit of snowfall anyway.

The Top 10 Funny Rejected Texas License Plates

The Texas DMV allows you to construct a message using: letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols including hyphens, periods, hearts, stars, or the state silhouette. However the message is not allowed to be indecent, vulgar, or have derogatory content.

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