Did You Know Austin, Texas Debuted This Type Of Air Conditioning?Did You Know Austin, Texas Debuted This Type Of Air Conditioning?Can you imagine a world without central air conditioning in your home? If not for the Lone Star State, we might not have it today!Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
12 Unusual Ways To Beat The Texas Heat12 Unusual Ways To Beat The Texas HeatThere are lots of creative things you can do right now to keep yourself as cool as possible. Dan PatrickDan Patrick
Federal Program Recommends Keeping Your Home at 78 DegreesFederal Program Recommends Keeping Your Home at 78 DegreesWho can sleep when their thermostat is set to 82 degrees? I need my home to feel as cold as possible otherwise I just can't sleep. 67 degrees is the perfect sleeping temperature.Krystal MontezKrystal Montez