While most people pull up to a restaurant in a car, Michael Duncan opted for something a bit more unique. Michael decided to have dinner with his horse, Ranger.
Challenges on The Kidd Kraddick Morinng Show are often issued by one cast member challenging another to something they think they can't do, well, that wasn't the case in this challenge.
I think we all have an image that we perpetuate... especially on social media. If you judged my life solely by my Facebook and Twitter pages, you'd think I was out every night of the week going to high faluting parties wearing crazy bal gowns
I saw something on Facebook today that serious burned me up! Someone had a problem with a woman in Rochester, NY. So what did they do other than taking it up with that woman? They vandalized her horse!
Winston Churchill said it best. The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man... Truer words have never been spoken.
The picture above is my view as I leave my house each morning, for work, for play, whatever. It never fails to put a smile on my face and yes, I know that I'm incredibly blessed...