At the end of August, this strange fish was caught by an angler at Lake Meredith in Sanford, Texas.
Apparently, the fish was so strange and unusual to behold, that it was moved to the Lake Meredith Aquatic & Wildlife Museum so others could go and see it.
I recently installed a bird feeder outside my Tyler, Texas area home. So when I ran across a story shared by House Digest about this subject, I was fascinated. I confess I was initially concerned that coffee grounds could potentially cause harm to birds or other little creatures roaming the area
According to KXAN based in Austin, Texas, "The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center released its official spring wildflower forecast for Central Texas Wednesday morning."
A representative for the Wildflower Center told KXAN that the upcoming bluebonnet season is 'looking really good.'
Even though I'm a native Texan and have lived in East Texas since I was a tween, I wasn't aware of that. I found it particularly interesting given that we live in such a lake-centric area. I love getting out on one of our East Texas lakes and feeling the daily stresses just start to slide off my psyche that butter on a hot roll.
Once upon a time in Texas, black bears had been a hunting target to the point where their presence was almost nil. However, they're back according to Texas Parks and Wildlife.