This will be a fun and festive weekend full of parties, beads, and green beer, and it can only be ruined by one thing. Dumb pickup lines! Prepare yourself for these doozies, and don't use 'em if you want to have any chance of moving into someone else's personal space.
The Kidd Kraddick in the Morning show had a little showdown on March 17 in honor of St. Patrick's Day. So, who has the best Irish accent? Check out Kellie, Jenna, Big Al and J-Si doing their best Irish accents, and let us know who you think won the accent challenge.
Everyone enjoys putting on their best green clothes on March 17th and being Irish for a day. We’ve all heard there was a saint and something to do with snakes in Ireland and now we have parades and drink green beer. But what do we really know about St. Patrick’s Day?