Carnival Employees Pitch In At Expo
It's been raining everyday, for what seems like forever. Febraury 22nd was the first night of the Spring Carnival at the Nacogdoches County Exposition & Civic Center.
Attendance had been down, as you might expect because of the wet weather. Evans United Shows, has been putting on two carnivals at the Expo every year, for as long as I can remember.
The Nacogdoches Rodeo and Pro Steer Show is next week, March 26th - 28th, and the staff at the Expo needed some help mucking horse stalls. Instead of just sitting around, hoping for the rain to stop, and waiting for customers, the owners of the carnival offered to help the expo by donating their employees time. These guys move an entire carnival around every week, so you know that they can get some stuff done.
East Texas, please help us show them some appreciation, for marking this off the to do list. If you get a chance between rain showers please come out to Evans United Spring Carnival this weekend, and let them know that you know they helped out and appreciate what they did for the Expo staff and all of Nacogdoches County. We will have free ride passes at our K-Fox Streetcast Saturday at Gains and Glory from 11am-1pm on Saturday.