East Texas Movie Advice – Screen It Or Stream It
Two local guys have taken a new approach to movie reviews. By putting two movies together and giving you the choice to watch a movie at the theater or just watch one on streaming.
So far they haven't really stuck to any specific genera of films. Doing videos about everything from musicals like you see above, and then switching gears to all kinds of different films.
These guys really know how to make some flash video graphics. The production value it really top notch. I have tried my hand at a few movie reviews and it is not easy. Remembering all of the stars names, and plot lines for hundreds of movies must be a gift. Even after just watching a movie, I have a hard time remembering what went on.
So they are really putting in the time and doing some in depth research. I am also excited by the number of video's that they already have out. Before long we will have in depth reviews about the movies that we have already seen and some that we have not. This would really help me make the hard decision to screen or to stream some great movies!