Jeepin’ For Jesus To Lead Light Up Lufkin Christmas Convoy
The Lufkin Parks and Recreation Department has an event ready to take you through all the places in Lufkin with the best Christmas lights. Get ready to roll out for the 2nd Annual Light Up Lufkin Christmas Convoy, Tuesday, December 14th, 2021.
You won't even have to figure out where all the best houses are. The City of Lufkin is doing that part for you. All we have to do is follow the leader around to all of the houses.
This year the convoy will meet up at Kit McConnico Park. Jeepin' for Jesus will lead the convoy around Lufkin to houses you nominate.
How To Nominate a House For Light Up Lufkin
If you think your Christmas lights have what it takes there is a simple entry form. The only piece of information you need to provide is your address.
They will take it from there and check out your Christmas lights. If you see a long line of cars go by, you made the cut. Your house must be inside the city limits to be included.
There will be prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Get your nominations in by December 10th, 2021. CLICK HERE to nominate a house.
Free Milk and Cookies With Santa Himself
There will be milk and cookies at the park before the event, while supplies last. Santa will make an appearance, so you can get a picture.
I remember driving around and looking at Christmas lights as a kid. It was a holiday tradition in my house.
Doing it this way will get you the most lights per mile, plus you can be a part of something different with a great group of people.
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