Kids Themed Masks Stolen In Lufkin
Lufkin collectable store Joker's Dugout was robbed today. Strangely the only thing they took was masks. To add insult to injury, they took all of the new kids masks except for the Peppa Pig. Peppa pig was banned in China, I wonder if that is a clue?
They also got away with another 7 kids, and 8 adult masks. The thing is that the masks are really one of a kind. If you see someone wearing a mask in the photo, it's likely stolen. Lance Moore at Joker's Dugout had this to say "Small businesses are struggling enough, why steal from us?'
If you were in the market they seem to have a few left. Help out a local business and perhaps a Peppa Pig fan by picking up this one of a kind item. Looks like the going rate for masks is $5. I see that most of them are priced at this amount. Don't really know why, but that is the price.
Everyone needs a mask, and some places require them, so having a lot of them in hand when you need them is very important. I would grab a few and keep them in the cars to make sure you have one if you need it. Just make sure and pay for it.
Joker's Dugout located at 4800 Medford Dr. in Lufkin, Texas. They sell sports cards, comics, gaming and other assorted collectables. They also offer subscriptions for things you collect. They opened in 2019. Their mission is to offer Lufkin Premiere collecibles in a store environment that is family friendly while still being exciting.