Nacogdoches Summer Scavenger Hunt Is Back!
You can rediscover your own home town this summer with the Nacogdoches Summer Scavenger Hunt.
It's going on now through August 4th. For exact times and dates CLICK HERE and check out the Facebook event page. No need to sign up for this event, just pick up an Summer Scavenger Hunt Sheet at any of the participating locations (listed in the event description) starting on June 1st. When you're finished, just turn it in at the last place you visit. This is a great expedience for kids or adults.
Nacogdoches Summer Scavenger Hunt
June 1 - August 4th
Participate in the 4th annual Nacogdoches Summer Scavenger Hunt. Visit all the participating locations, answer trivia questions at each location and turn in your completed sheet to be entered to win a prize basket.
Locations are:
Sterne-Hoya House Museum & Library
Durst-Taylor Historic House & Gardens
Nacogdoches Public Library
@StoneFortMuseum Nacogdoches
Millard's Crossing Historic Village
SFA Art Galleries & Cole Art Center
Old University Building
Be a tourist in your own town this summer! Share your progress with us by using the hashtag #nacsummerscavenger