Texas Baptist Men Feed Alto ISD
Faith based organizations are set up all over the world. In the state of Texas one of our local groups has stepped up to help Alto in the wake of local tornadoes. The Texas Baptist Men are out of Dallas and have graciously offered to help feed the students of Alto High School for the remainder of their school year. When I first heard of all the damage done to the area, I had no idea that it had effected the school in this way.
Trying to get school started again without a working cafeteria was no small feat. Tuesday morning TBM showed up with trailers filled with all the equipment for a field kitchen and then trained the schools kitchen staff on how to use it. Today is the first day that they started cooking meals for the students. Everything went off without a hitch, and the high school students will be brought to the Elementary school for lunch.
I am sure there will be lots of stories of kindness about the different people and organizations that have stepped up to help Alto after multiple tornadoes hit the area. Locals have also organized to help the Alto High School Students with their 2019 Prom. Click Here to see the details.