Angelina Beautiful Clean Picked Up 300 Plus Pounds of Litter Last Saturday
It's not just your imagination. When you drive around Loop 287 in Lufkin it's noticeably cleaner.
Thanks to the many volunteers that came out this past Saturday and helped clean up. They picked up over 300 lbs of litter, one garbage bag at a time.
People just like you and me that would never throw anything out of their car got out and cleaned it up. They knew that it had to get picked up somehow and wanted to be part of the solution.
What Did I Miss?
Angelina Beautiful Clean had an Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup this past Saturday from 8am - 11am. In that short amount of time many hands helped pick up all that trash from the loop in Lufkin.
Volunteers met at the Lufkin/Angelina County Chamber of Commerce. They were served breakfast and given all the supplies they needed to make an effective change in our area.
How Can I Help?
We will get the word out about the next clean up very soon. In the meantime, if you have more money than time, here are some ways you can help.
Make a donation to Angelina Beautiful Clean with your water bill. For every $1 donation, AB/C returns $23 of value back into the community. For just $12 a year you could make a $276 difference in our county.
To add your donation, just pay the amount on your bill listed as "Total Including AB/C Donation". Even if you are paying online, you have the option of adding the $1 donation.

Contact Information
If you would like more information on how to donate please call 936-632-5326 or email Emily Thornton at ethornton@lufkintexas.org.