Biscuit Eater Bakery Offers Virtual Decorating Class
During lock down were you like me thinking you were going to have all this time to devote to start a new hobby, or learn a new skill? It was a fleeting thought for some, but others have really applied themselves. Biscuit Eater Bakery is offering a virtual cake decorating class. This is the level of instruction you were hoping for when you were in lock-down.
The class is offered on July 26th, 2020 and is $75. That price includes all of the materials you will need to make the cake, and the instructions Get the details here on their square site- CLICK HERE. When you register you will get the detail of how everything is going to work.
You will go to get your cake the Saturday before the class at their location inside the Lufkin Mall. Then on Sunday you can tune into the live stream and decorate your cake. The price includes $20 for the decorating tools that you will need for the class. IF you don't want to keep the tools you can return them the week after the class for a refund. I think that is very fair. I like that you get to eat your cake, so it's worth the price to me.
If you have every wanted to take a class to learn how to professionally decorate a cake this could be very interesting. I have no idea how to decorate a cake but I have faith that if I took this course and applied myself, I could become a cake master.
Biscuit Eater Bakery is making lemonade out of lemons by offering this class for people interested in baking their cake and eating it too.