CASA Super Hero Run 2019
This is a great event whether you want to start challenging yourself or think a half marathon is a breeze. The added bonus of it being for a great cause makes this event a no brainer. The half marathon starts at 8am Saturday March 23rd,2019 and goes around an all terrain hiking trail, multiple bridges, hills, and county roads in Houston County. The race starts at Mt. Olive Church. Everyone gets a participant medal. But the finishers get a custom medal.
If you are looking for less of a challenge and still want to be a part of it, take a look at the 5k. This run will begin at 9AM and there is a 4 hour time limit. This is the 3rd Annual CASA Superhero run, last year had a great turn out, and went very well. They took some great pictures of everyone dressed up in their costumes enjoying the run.
There is also a Fun Run/Walk for the kids, and this entire event is family friendly. So bring the entire tire family. I running is your sport, take a look at this event on Facebook and see if this event is the one for you!