Do You Need A Negative Covid Test Fast To Go Back To Work In Texas?
If you are at home wondering if your cough is more than a little post nasal drip, it's nice to be able to quickly test to see if you have COVID or its variants. Don't wait until you think you have symptoms and take advantage of getting these tests quickly from
Every physical address in the United States can order four, free COVID-19 tests delivered right to your mailbox. I already ordered mine, and it couldn't have been easier.
It's hard to know what to trust these days, but this is not a scam. It's just the tests that your hard-earned tax dollars already paid for, actually benefiting you and your family.
Here Are Some Great Resources To Find Testing In Texas
With many schools and businesses requiring a negative test before you return, tests have been in short supply. There is still the option of setting an appointment with your primary care physician, but that could take more time than you have.
Some insurance plans only cover so many tests. You can also get a free test administered at CVS among other places.
Though these tests at CVS say that they say you shouldn't have any out-of-pocket costs, there might be a limit if you have to do a lot of testing.
If you are buying tests there could also be a limit on how many you can purchase that insurance will cover. By taking advantage of this from the government you will know for sure that you will have four free tests for your family.
If you lost your taste and/or smell with COVID and are wondering how long it might take to get them back, take a look at what other Texans have experienced.