Get The Christmas Spirit With This Local Talent
Here's a solo we found exceptional on Facebook from last nights Lufkin High School Choir Performances.
Getting up in front of a bunch of people and speaking to them is some people's nightmare. I can handle that just fine, it's singing a solo and remembering all the words that would get me to seating. Memorization is not my strong point, but at the Holiday Choir Concert at LHS last night, looks like looks like Grace Barnhill had no issues.
Just went into facebook, and typed Christmas, then selected video, then selected 2017, Lufkin, and scrolled through. Scouring the internets for local content to talk about on my show. After seeing the video, I did some more digging and this was niece of an old friend. Seems like everyone with talent knows someone I know around here. Perhaps you know someone I don't with some talent? We are always on the lookout for great local stories. If you send it to me, and we think it's awesome, we will do a story about it here on the website!
So get those submissions coming, just email me danpatrick@kfox95.com or find me on facebook. Well you don't really have to find me, you can just click here.