Lufkin West Loop Lane Closures Next Week
Look for lane closures next week all the way from HWY 59 South to HWY 103 West on Loop 287 in Lufkin. This might be one time when taking the long way around Loop 287 in Lufkin might be a good idea. The following press release was sent out today from TXDOT.
LUFKIN – Mill and inlay work has begun on SL 287 West in Lufkin where there will be alternating lane closures for the remainder of the week and continuing through next week.
Work on the SL 287 West will be in various locations from SH 103 West to US 59 South through next week. Motorists should expect lane closures and possible delays through this area during work hours.
Mill and inlay is a roadway rehabilitation technique designed to upgrade the surface and extend the life of a roadway. Mill and inlay typically removes the top couple of inches of the road surface to remove imperfections and a new asphalt surface is placed that finishes the process.
This is a moving work zone and motorists are urged to reduce speed in the area, expect delays, obey all traffic control devices and stay alert to moving equipment and workers near the lanes of traffic.
For more information regarding closures throughout the state, visit drivetexas.org. For more information on this and other Lufkin District projects, contact Rhonda.Oaks@txdot.gov or (936) 633-4395.
When workers are present, you always want to get over in the furthest lane, and be aware of your speed. Just imagine it was someone you knew working out there on the road. Police will be out helping block traffic, so be cautious.