
New Google Algorithm Finds Top 9 Funniest Videos On You Tube (VIDEO)
New Google Algorithm Finds Top 9 Funniest Videos On You Tube (VIDEO)
New Google Algorithm Finds Top 9 Funniest Videos On You Tube (VIDEO)
I am always looking for funny videos for you guys.  But I never really did it in a scientific way until now.   To find them, (NERD ALERT!) Google researchers worked with the YouTube Slam Team to develop an algorithm to rate the comedy value of YouTube videos.   ...
Google Officially Launches Google Music
Google Officially Launches Google Music
Google Officially Launches Google Music
A new Google product is officially upon us and it’s Google Music. The Beta version was available for a good chunk of time and it allowed users to upload up to 20,000 songs, free of charge, to the cloud, so it could be streamed no matter the user’s location. Well, now the service has been upgraded with the launch and there is so much content and convenience that will be yours for the taking. Read M
Celebrate Les Paul’s Birthday With Playable Google Doodle
Celebrate Les Paul’s Birthday With Playable Google Doodle
Celebrate Les Paul’s Birthday With Playable Google Doodle
Today, Google is paying tribute to the late guitar pioneer Les Paul with a guitar-themed doodle that allows users to play it and record songs of their own. The doodle, which was designed by engineers Kristopher Hom and Joey Hurst and doodle team lead Ryan Germick, will be up for 24 hours, and was released to celebrate what would have been Paul's 96th birthday. (Paul, a leader in the development of