In Texas, we are all about the past and nostalgia. Your brain might be playing tricks on you if you think the past was better than the present.

Considering recent events and thinking "This stuff didn't happen back in the good old days" is just playing yourself. You might be correct about specific things, but the way things were and many things that happened were much worse.

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According to a Pew Research Center study adults 50 and older are more likely to say that life today is worse than it was 50 years ago. We might be looking at the past through rose-colored glasses, or we likely have a short memory.

Things That Happened When You Were 15 - 25 Will Always Be Your Favorite

If you were big into hair metal in the late 80's, (guilty) you might have a negative view of today's popular music. You thought that screaming, guitar-heavy music was great when it came out.

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But when you dig deeper you find out that all of those bands you loved were at times literal slaves to the record companies. Big record execs were mercilessly sending them on the road with little to no support or creative control.

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Fast forward to today's artists like Taylor Swift. Owning her music and re-recording previous songs made her a billionaire. She is one in a million of course, but her stance has tricked down to help many current and future artists.

Beware Of Companies And People That Prey On Your Love Of The Past

It is well known to many companies that our brains work this way. Everything from advertising to movies is affected.

The only movies that do well are reboots and the only songs that trend sample older hits. Our collective love of the past will never go away, so enjoy some facts that might open your mind to how "different" isn't always worse.

Living In Texas In The Past Wasn't The Greatest

Don't let nostalgia cloud your mind about the past in Texas. Things were much harder than they are now. Source: Vox

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