Watch This Video of a Driver Slamming Into Vehicles In Lufkin
Never letting off the gas, and flipping a huge truck in the process, this driver lays waste to vehicles in front of A&B Body Shop in Lufkin.
This video from A&B Body shop in Lufkin is a heart stopper. The business is located on North Raguet in Lufkin near La Unica. I was just there the other day getting some work done. When customers bring in vehicles, Dwayne and other staff members assess vehicles out front all the time. Luckily at the time of this horrific crash no one was in the parking lot. He posted the video to Facebook on Halloween with the caption, "All we wanted to do was go home at 5:00".
The video tells only part of the story, as when the Lufkin Police Department arrived on the scene, they took a few more pictures of the damage.
There was an accident like this one a few years ago at the radio station. It was suspected then, that that the driver was under the influence of PCP. Most of the time it is pretty obvious if that is the case, as the driver will be very sweaty ,with minimal or no clothing on. Some people suggested that this driver might also have been under the influence of PCP during this crash. The front of the Maroon Suburban appeared to be already damaged, from hitting a pole elsewhere. Damage to four vehicles all at once, with at least 2 of them, being totaled in my opinion, is crazy. This could have been a lot worse, but the telephone pole took most of the hit. Glad no one was injured.
UPDATE LUFKIN POLICE DEPARTMENT: DWI ARREST: We arrested McTavish Raymond, 45, of Lufkin, yesterday after he fled the scene of one accident minutes before causing this one captured on video outside A&B Body Shop on North Raguet Street. The driver in the first crash was taken to the hospital, complaining of neck pain. Thankfully no one was inside the parked vehicles at the time. Raymond admitted to smoking PCP before getting behind the wheel.