Feast In The Forest
It is like a picnic on steroids, and it helps out our local Texas Forestry Museum. We are very lucky to have them in our area, and in town. Show your support by purchasing a ticket to the Feast In The Forest here online.
The event will be Thursday August 2nd from 6-8pm. They are able to accomplish so much with the support of our community. They are a non-profit that provides free admission to more than 10,000 visitors every year. This is the one time each year they ask the community to come together in support of our museum.
Tickets can be purchased online, by calling, or stopping by the museum. Tickets are $50 per person.
Only the best food and entertainment will do, taking a look at this list, no expense has been spared to make sure you get your money's worth.
Dinner provided by Tome Catering
Music by Bryan Harkness
Dessert and Silent Auction
Beer & Wine provided
Tickets for child care are also available. Tickets are $5 per child and includes child care, dinner, and fun activities. So now you have a babysitter, what is your excuse now? Get ready to have a great time with the Feast In The Forest!