Having a kid is a huge undertaking. There is so much to know and learn to keep your bundle of joy safe. Especially when you take them on the open road. The Angelina County & Cities Health District is here to help. They are having a virtual Car Seat Safety Class.

Everyone that attends this hour-long Zoom event will get a free car seat for their child. Then you will also have the chance to sign up for a virtual car seat inspection. During the class you will learn about how child safety seats, in conjunction with seat belts, protect your little ones. You will also learn the different types of car seats, and when to use them. That means at the proper age, weight, and height.

After this course you will know how to install your car seat and the safest way to buckle in your child. It's not as self explanatory as you may think. The safety regulations and child car seats change all the time. Even if this isn't your first child, everyone could use a refresher.

Register by January 18th.

Meeting ID: 910 3082 8383    Passcode: 335180

There are lots of people that used to take public transportation that just don't deem it the best way to get around during the Covid-19 crisis. They have made the used car market explode. That means lots of new drivers with some little passengers along for the ride.

For more information contact Megan Hackworth at (254) 492-8012 or megan.hackworth@ag.tamu.edu


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