Historic Pines Theater To Reopen Soon In Lufkin, Texas
The Pines Theater In Lufkin sustained roof damage from a large amount of hail, wind, and rain that we received late Monday, March 14th, 2022. The storm caused the roof to leak, and they have been closed since then for repairs.
The repairs to the roof are ongoing and it should reopen by the third weekend in June according to Lufkin's City Manager, Kevin Gee.
"The contractors have given us a date of June 6th for repair completion but then we will have at least a week-long cleanup before the theater is ready for guests," Gee said.
The storm exposed weaknesses in the roof structure that required immediate repair forcing the closure.
"Due to the height of the roof in the flyaway, several weeks of planning and scaffolding construction had to occur before we could even assess the extent of the needed repairs," said Gee.
The Pines First Post Repair Show Will Be Crystal Gayle on June 23rd
Most of the shows that were scheduled for the past two months were luckily able to be relocated to the Temple Theater. Brant Lee, the City of Lufkin Convention Services Director, expressed gratitude for the Arts Alliance for their partnership.
"Without them, many of these events would have been canceled. We appreciate the Arts Alliance's dedication to delivering entertainment opportunities to our community," said Lee.
The first show after repairs are completed is on June 23rd when country music legend Crystal Gale comes to Lufkin to perform to a sold-out crowd.

The Pines Theather was constructed in 1925 and is just a few years away from celebrating its centennial.