It's Time for Round Two

Randal Reeder has a background in professional wrestling, so, the event that he is participating in this Sunday could be billed as:

  • Round Two - Winner Take All Match
  • The Prize - Eternal Salvation

Reeder is a native of Carthage, Texas. Following his high school years, he entered the world of professional wrestling.  A few years after that, Reeder found success in acting, and he's landed some great roles in blockbuster films along the way.

He's had roles in movies such as Deadpool and 21 Jump Street, He's also been matched up against Chuck Norris in Walker Texas Ranger. Of course, Norris got the best of Reeder because, well, the flu gets a Chuck Norris shot every year. Nobody is beating Chuck.


He was also one of the main characters on the Pureflix series 'Sons of Thunder'.

Randal has found a lot of success in wrestling and on the big screen, but as a Christian, he began to realize more and more that his priorities were not straight. He knew that in order to receive the Lord's blessing, he needed to put Him first...and that's how the start of 'Saved Savage' came to be.

In early May, Reeder brought that ministry to Nacogdoches and testimony to LugNutz Bar located just south of Nacogdoches on Highway 59.

You may raise an eyebrow or two at the thought of bringing a church service to a bar, but Reeder loves using the phrase "an unchurchy church service in a bar!!!" It's a calling that he has been a part of for the past few years and he hopes that folks who may be disillusioned by churches will consider hearing the message of Jesus in a different venue.

Reeder is bringing his Saved Savage Sunday Service back to LugNutz on Sunday, July 9, beginning at 2 p.m. Find out more details about it here.

Burial Sites of Honored Texans

Since its statehood in 1845, Texas has been the home of thousands of honored and well-known men and women. Let's take a look at the final resting place of these men and women, as well as a world-famous bull and rumored extra-terrestrial.

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