Lufkin To Get Drive-Thru Booze
Driving down Hwy 69 North in Lufkin right across from the Dollar General, a new sign has popped up. It's advertising Daiquiris To Go, Margaritas and Daiquiris. Looking at the wood, and what looks like recent post holes dug, this has to be a fairly recent addition.
There is a building there, that I believe used to be a club, but so far there is no sign on it, just this sign out front. No word yet, on when they will be opening up.
How can you have a Drive-Thru and sell frozen daiquiris to go, with open container laws in Texas? Well it is possible, you just have to be aware that it illegal to drink it in the car.
Another issue for some is, none of these drinks actually have liquor in them. The only permit in Texas that TABC issues that makes this legal is a wine and beer retailers permit. So the daiquiris aren't liquor, but there is alcohol. They use a flavorless wine base that is flavored to taste like the tequila and rum needed to make the actual drink.
It's a big distinction since the hangover from wine, and liquor is very different. So you need to up your water intake fast, if you drink wine to avoid a hangover. Drinking these with meals is also recommended.

There are two similar places in Nacogdoches, and many more in surrounding communities outside the pine curtain. These establishments aren't an invitation to drink and drive. They are also perfectly legal.