Museum Of East Texas Getting A Refresh
The staff at the Museum of East Texas has been hard at work remodeling and doing a bit of repainting to liven things up. They are working on their largest gallery right now, and installing some new exhibitions from the permanent collection. Some bright blue paint is up and things are getting interesting. They hope in one week to have all the new galleries open to the public.
You can go to the Museum of East Texas now and see lithographs by American artist Ben Shahn. There is also a new exhibit of photos from our own Angelina County Photography Association.
There are lots of different things always happening at the Museum of East Texas. You can always stop by and feed your soul with the amazing pieces they have on display. Sculptures, photography, lithographs and lots more in a beautiful space.

2020 was a rough time for museums, and really any venue for art. I think 2021 is a turning point, and people will get out more soon and get a chance to appreciate the displays at the MET. They are open Tuesday - Friday from 10am-5pm and Saturday and Sunday from 1pm-5pm.
You can visit the museum free of charge, but I always make a donation. You can go further and become a Member of The Zoo. They have family and business memberships. A family membership is just $50 and you get a chance to have your say about things you would like to see at the MET. Forms can be emailed, just contact the museum at (936) 639-4434.