New Juzi Bar In Lufkin – Not Just A Juice Bar
If you are looking for a place that serves vegan or vegetarian fare in Lufkin, you would have few healthy options around town. Looks like someone saw a need for jobs, and vegan options. There have been some other food related businesses located at 207 N. Raguet St in Lufkin.. The Juzi Bar is right around the corner from the station, I can't wait to try it out. Anyone been there yet? Let us know what you think in the comments.
LUFKIN Texas (KTRE) -After seeing a need for vegan restaurants in Lufkin, Joe Cesar, The Executive Director of The Legacy Institute for Financial Education, decided to create The Juzi Spot located at 207 N. Raguet St.
“After surveying the population here, we realized that there were more vegans and vegetarians than people can possibly imagine, especially the younger generation, the millennials,” said Ceasar.
The Juzi Spot is a Swahili word that means juice and will serve as a training site for those who desire to begin a career in food service.
“So, in Lufkin we are looking to get people who may struggle in finding a job, we want to get them trained and not only have a job, but have a job that provides a living wage. In order for us to that, we are partnering with Angelina College and Work Force Solutions,” said Ceasar.
Participants will acquire their Food Handler's or Food Manager's licenses while they gain on the job experience.
Vegan bowls, fresh fruit smoothies, smoothie bowls and cold-pressed juices will be served, which includes health benefits.
“Health benefits of veganism are more energy, also your body runs cleaner, the digestive system runs more efficiently, and meats actually coats the lining and causes cholesterol in your blood vessels, were as veganism or just eating more vegetables will clean and flush your body out,” said Ceasar.
The Juzi Spot is opened Monday -Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m (5pm on Wednesday). and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The restaurant is closed on Sundays.
The grand opening and ribbon cutting will be held on October 30 at 10:30 a.m.