New Planetarium Opens At SFA
Look up and see the night sky, projected on the special ceiling, and fall into the cosmos with this new addition to the Stephen F. Austin Campus in Nacogdoches. They have stars in the correct places and everything. They already have giant telescopes on the outskirts of Nacogdoches, but this will really bring the heavens to the masses.
Ed Michaels the director of the planetarium, will give you a tour of the real time sky. There are also great videos that are shown, that really show off the capabilities of the facility. They change these every 6-8 weeks, so you will have a reason to keep coming back for something new.
This could be the first Planetarium in Deep East Texas built in this century. I have seen them depicted in movies, but I don't think I have ever been to one, as an adult. This one is in the Ed & Gwen Cole S.T.E.M. building. Shows have already begun, and will be offered every Saturday at 2pm, 4pm, and 7pm.
For details and more CLICK HERE.
Public Show Rates - Adults - $6, Children &Seniors - $4