Robbery At Real Graphics – Help Crime Stoppers Find These Men
Late Saturday night February 6th, 2021 between 11pm and Midnight, a group of men broke into Real Graphics. Specifically the gated lot beside their building in Downtown Lufkin. The five individuals pictured here not only stole multiple items. They also caused a lot of property damage during the theft.
Chris Fleniken the owner at Real Graphics is a great guy, and I am so sorry this happened to him and the employees there. They are all dealing with a lot of cleanup and lost items. The thieves broke into three vehicles stealing $3,000 worth of power tools, and took a stereo and speakers from a boat kept on the property.
If you recognize any of the suspects in this gallery of photos, call the Lufkin Police Department at 936-633-0356 or Crime Stoppers. These are stills from a surveillance video. The Real Graphics building is at 400 East Lufkin Avenue in Downtown Lufkin.

These thieves are pretty brazen. I am sure with all the security footage that was obtained they had to have known that they were on camera. They were only feet from the City of Lufkin Fire station and offices, and less than 150 yards from the Lufkin Police Department building situated right around the corner. Either they didn't realize that, or didn't care, but I am sure extra security measures will be going in after this to protect the property there.
Hopefully these men will be brought to justice, if they will do this that close to law enforcement, they could be capable of much more. If you have additional details of a story you see here, or business, restaurant news, email me. danpatrick@kfox95.com or message me here with the app.
Break In At Real Graphics