Shred Your Old Documents To Celebrate America Recycles Day
Angelina Beautiful Clean in Lufkin is offering free eco-friendly shredding to continue its mission of beautifying Angelina County. If you have unwanted, sensitive documents that you have been storing this is a great idea.
Leave it to Angelina Beautiful/Clean to properly dispose of those documents that would normally end up in landfills. This is an easy way to safely recycle paper, so it won't end up as roadside litter.
The Fall shred day is Monday, November 15th, 2021 from 9 am to 12 pm. Just bring the documents to the Lufkin/Angelina County Chamber of Commerce to start to make a difference.
What To Shred
There are many different types of documents that you should shred for your personal security. Take a look around the house and you are bound to find some of them.
Credit Card or Insurance offers
Paid Bill Statements
ATM receipts
Sales Receipts
Paid utility bills
Expired Warranties...and more
Not only is shredding and disposing of these types of documents an eco-friendly thing to do, it is also designed to keep those documents from getting in the wrong hands.
Identity theft is one thing that you don't want to mess around with. Something like a stolen social security number could turn your entire digital life upside down.
Business Participation
This AB/C Shred Day is free, but there are limits for businesses. You are limited to bringing five boxes to shred.
Luckily this is a twice-a-year event, so it shouldn't take long to catch up on all your shredding. Security Shredding will be there shredding on-site and taking the shredded documents to a secure location after the event.
For questions contact Angelina Beautiful/Clean at 936-63CLEAN (632-5326) or email ethornton@lufkintexas.org.