Single Vehicle Accident At Whitehouse Overpass
At the intersection of West Whitehouse, and South First Street in Lufkin, there was a single vehicle accident. Roadways were very wet today, and could have played a factor in this incident. This was a blue 2000-2002 Chevrolet Silverado that somehow made it over the traffic islands, hitting the wall. It hit the wall with enough force to deploy the airbags.
From the scene it looked like he was coming across Whitehouse, but the location is unknown. If that wall was not there, that driver could have very well gone down that very steep embankment.
TX Dot was notified that they had a yield sign down. Luckily everyone survived the incident and emergency responders from all over Lufkin were there to help. It is a good reminder to pay attention when driving this holiday season. Wet, cold, and even freezing weather are going to change the way your vehicle handles.