If you pay your bill in person at the Lufkin Suddenlink store, you will have to make some alternate arrangements. There is a sign on the front of the building at 1415 South First St. directing you to some other places to pay in person. There is also a sign letting you know the location is temporarily closed. Though the words "permanently closed" might be a little too far, there are no plans to reopen the store at this time.

TSM Lufkin - Dan Patrick
TSM Lufkin - Dan Patrick

Suddenlink recently sent out this message to it's Lufkin customers "Given the rapidly changing environment we've made the decision not to reopen your local retail store. We remain open online and though our digital resources to service you needs." They went on to list the resources where you can make online changes to your account.

TSM Lufkin - Dan Patrick
TSM Lufkin - Dan Patrick

The signs on the front door, do mention that the Nacogdoches store is open. Though it is an hour round trip from our location. Their retail store in Nacogdoches is open Monday - Friday from 9am - 6pm at 409 N. Fredonia Street.

TSM Lufkin - Dan Patrick
TSM Lufkin - Dan Patrick

They also have a sign letting you know that you can pay your bill at the following Lufkin locations. HEB #617 at 111 N. Timberland Dr. Lufkin, and JRD Mail store, that is basically in the same exact shopping center, at 107 N. Timberland Drive. You can make a cash payment at either location.

TSM Lufkin - Dan Patrick
TSM Lufkin - Dan Patrick

I had a lot of close contact over the years with the staff at our local Suddenlink store, and continue to use their services. I hope that they have been reassigned within the company, and are still working there. They were a great crew, and always helped me with my questions.

TSM Lufkin - Dan Patrick
TSM Lufkin - Dan Patrick



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