We Are Getting A New Taco Bell In Lufkin, Texas
There are already two options to "run to the border" in Lufkin. There is one in the Walmart shopping center and one on Timberland Drive.
So why is all the evidence pointing to the fact that we are getting another Taco Bell in Lufkin? For some it might not make much sense, but I think I have it pretty much figured out.
I don't actually think we are going to have three Taco Bell restaurants in Lufkin. I think they are building a new one further up Timberland Drive and closing the one closer to North Timberland.
A Quick History Lesson On Timberland Dr. In Lufkin
Back in the 1980s, the North Timberland area was jumping. Before Walmart moved out of the Townsquare 4 shopping center there was a lot going on.
There was a grocery store, a movie theater, Walmart, and much more in this shopping center. Walmart was an anchor that kept people in the area for shopping.
Once Walmart moved to where Hobby Lobby is, things were still okay there in the 1990s. Sams was still where Walmart used to be, so it was just hopping along okay.
What Changed To Make Taco Bell Move Further Down Timberland Drive
Once Sam's moved to where it is now, the entire shopping area of North Timberland Drive in Lufkin suffered. Its effects were seen all the way down the road to where Popeyes is now.
Rumor is that the current owners of the Taco Bell on Timberland let their lease run out. They are going to abandon that building and move into the new one once it's completed.

This is a pretty genius move, using the already existing traffic for McDonald's to fuel their sales at Taco Bell. It didn't work for Carl's Jr, but Taco Bell is a different brand and has a better price point. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.