What If It Was Adult Skate All The Time
It's every kids nightmare. What if it was Adult Skate the entire night? I remember having nightmares as a kid, that it was always Adult Swim the entire time I was at the pool. But if you are an adult it's the best thing ever. That's why Skate O Rama in Nacogodches is having an Adult Night tomorrow night (Friday Aug 23rd) from 9pm - 1am. No one under the age of 18 need show up. They also warn that they will check IDs if they need to.
If you are looking for a fun date night in Deep East Texas this is the ideal setting.
Hopefully you aren't the worst roller skater in your group of friends. They have an event page set up on facebook, and lots of people marked themselves as going. If you haven't heard about it and are interested, check to see if anyone on your friends list will be there, just CLICK HERE. It is strange that they didn't invite you.
I would go roller skating as a kid all the time. My feelings of self preservation kept me from falling, and I could get some speed going forward, backwards skating was never in my repertoire. This is the perfect idea to do something active, and since it will be 99 degrees on Friday, it will be a chill hang.