East Texas Pastor Gets Malaria on a Mission Trip
The pastor of a church on Van Highway in Tyler went on a recent mission trip to Africa and came back with a fever, chills, and body aches severe enough to land him in the hospital for four days. But he says he would do it all over again.
Samuel Priddy is the Senior Pastor at Lord’s House in Tyler and went to Africa recently to help create clean water supplies for people there. It wasn't until he got back home to East Texas that he started feeling really ill, and eventually tested positive for Malaria. After a four-day stay in the hospital, KTRE says he's back at home recovering now, and anxious to get back to the pulpit on Sunday mornings.
Malaria can be fatal if it's left untreated, and it's caused by a parasite that infects a certain type of mosquito. Samuel told KTRE that he would take the trip again even though he came back feeling less than his best. Mission trips are close to his heart and bringing clean water to everyone is high on his priority list. High enough that he'll take big risks to make it happen.
The Lord's House has services each week in English and Spanish, and they've got plenty of programs for kids too. You can hear some of Priddy's sermons HERE.
Two things. A big high five to East Texans who take huge risks to help a neighbor! And don't take clean drinking water for granted.
We love stories about East Texans making a difference, so keep 'em coming. It just may inspire all of us to get crackin' on those New Year's resolutions.
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