Ellen Trout Zoo Offers Free Admission to Government Employees
The US Government Shutdown of 2019 will go down in history as the longest ever. The talk about the shutdown has ratcheted up to a fever pitch. If you haven't heard by now, the issue slowing down budget approval, the wall, has brought auxiliary government functions to a halt.
It was nice to see this message from my friend, and Ellen Trout Zoo Director Gordon Henley, come across my email today.
The Ellen Trout Zoo is offering free admission to furloughed government employees and their families during the government shutdown.
We hope a visit to the Zoo will provide some relief and distraction during these unsettling times.
Furloughed government employees must present their federal employee identification at the admissions window in order to receive free admission.
Gordon B. Henley, Jr.
Zoo Director
Ellen Trout Zoo
402 Zoo Circle
Lufkin, Texas 75904
As always a standup guy, and no mater what your party affiliation, you have to respect that those employees deserve a break. Today would be a perfect day to go to the zoo and see all the animals. Colder weather is coming this weekend, and this might just be the one thing they get to do until things get back to normal. Call 936-633-0399 or visit ellentroutzoo.com for normal zoo admission and hours.
You can check the Ellen Trout Zoo Facebook Page for more details.
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