Lufkin Needs A New Middle School
When you see "Bond Election" signs in downtown Lufkin, it's not to fund some nice new stadium, or outlandish facility upgrade. The Lufkin Middle School is in need of a new campus. The facility has been there so long, I went to high school there. Back when it was built in 1955, a gallon of gas was only 23 cents, and minimum wage was a dollar. Kids that graduated from Lufkin High School that year are now 80 years old. To say that it has been there for generations is an understatement.
With 9 different main buildings, and tons of portable buildings on over 70 acres, getting to class was always a chore. It's also a major security concern. There is no way to "lock down" that sprawling campus. If you care about the over 1,700 children that go to school there, and their safety, this is a yes vote come election day. A new facility will actually save money in the long run, since just the electricity bill at the outdated school is over half a million dollars a year.
Early voting starts on April the 23rd - May 1st, and regular election day is May 5th. For more information and poll locations CLICK HERE.
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