The Police Department Needs Beards In Nacogdoches, Texas
The officers of the Nacogdoches Police Department want to spread the "No Shave November" love to the entire year. Their current policy doesn't allow for beards, so they are asking the public their opinion in a survey.
Many towns all around the State of Texas have changed their policies in recent years allowing officers to have well-groomed beards. Don't be surprised if you see more bearded officers from police departments all over the state.
For example, the Lubbock police department has allowed its officers to have a beard since 2017. We here in East Texas are apparently behind the times on police facial hair.
Never Let Them See Your Chin
These words were spoken to me recently by a fellow bearded friend. It comes to mind every time I think about shaving my beard off.
The beard gives you the appearance of a stronger chin, and I think it has improved my skin. If you are ever in a fight it's hard to connect with a chin you can't see.
There are drawbacks to having a beard if you have to use PPE on a regular basis. That's why you will never see a firefighter with a beard.
Take the Survey And Let Officers Have A Beard
This isn't some neck-bearded craziness they are asking for. There will still be guidelines and your policemen in Nacogdoches will be much more handsome than their Lufkin counterparts.
Also if you are struggling to find quality candidates for the many job positions open in the Nacogdoches Police Department this is a great idea. Relaxing this criteria will allow for officers that don't want to shave to consider working in Nacogdoches.
I think this is a great idea and an easy win for the City of Nacogdoches Police Department. Let's help them change the policy by taking this survey.
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