Why You Should Pay Cash When Buying Fireworks From A Temporary Stand
For some of us firing fireworks is a big memory from childhood. East Texas lends itself to wide open fields, and places where you can launch them legally on your own.
Most of places that you can purchase fireworks are just temporary stands. Right on the outskirts of town, where it's legal to sell them you will notice these fireworks stands.
These stands are for the most part, reputable businesses. They could all be around here, I don't know about every last one. There have been reports to the Texas Better Business Bureau that some have used the time with your card to copy your bank card information at the time of purchase.
They did not release where exactly this is happening. It is something to think about. Cash is king, and I am sure these vendors are more than willing to dodge the credit card fees associated with you using your card.
If you don't have cash, use a credit card, not a debit card. They offer additional layers of protection if your card details are stolen. For extra protection, get a receipt and write down the location of the firework stand and the company name it goes by. It might be very different than the one on the side of the building.
It's actually illegal to possess fireworks in the city limits of most towns in our area. That includes Lufkin and Nacogdoches. In the past police in Texas towns have staked out the stands, to see if you bring them into the city, and write a citation.
Always practice fireworks safety, and get a lot of punks. You could just go to a fireworks show in Lufkin or Nacogdoches.