12 Unusual Ways To Beat The Texas Heat
- Warmer days ahead for Texas
- Threats of blackouts
- The worst part of Texas weather
When moving to Texas many people don't think about just how hot it gets here in the summer. Even if you have lived here all of your life every summer we are always surprised when we have to fight for our lives and avoid heat stroke.
I personally treat summer in the south, like winter in the north. Find a cool spot, and stay there until fall. This is not a time to frolic outdoors.
Just like the northern part of the U.S. in the winter, the outdoors in Texas has become inhospitable. Record-breaking heat is already taxing our power infrastructure, and ERCOT has started asking us to conserve.
Texas Power Grid Almost Breaks All-Time Demand
When there is no wind, it's cloudy, and super hot at the same time, it's a recipe for disaster for the power companies in Texas.
There is a need for more insulation and weatherproofing in many homes in the state. Much of the energy used to cool homes is literally going right out of the window.
Though none of these issues have easy fixes, if you catch yourself at home with a broken air conditioner or no power, you will have to improvise.
Get A Plan In Place To Stay Cool In Texas
There are lots of creative things you can do right now to keep yourself as cool as possible. Just shutting your windows, doors, and blinds is a great way to start.
12 Unusual Ways To Stay Cool on the Extremely Hot Days
7 Ways to Cool Your Home Without AC in the East Texas Heat