Ellen Trout Zoo Reopens After Snow [PICS]
After near record snowfall in the Lufkin area, the Ellen Trout Zoo will be open to guests again today, January 12th, 2021. The animals were all warm and cozy in their beds while the snow was falling. Now that things are thawing out a bit, they will be back out for all to see.
Temperatures move up to the 50's today, will give us a break from all the snow and ice in East Texas. The Zoo reopening is a sign that things are somewhat back to normal here.
The Ellen Trout Zoo closed yesterday, like many of the City Of Lufkin non-essential infrastructures. If you plan on going to the Ellen Trout Zoo, face masks are strongly encouraged while visiting.
You can see here the new Black-necked Swans pool at the zoo in the pictures above with an Alligator statue covered in snow. The Swans share the pool with a few Koi fish, and the aforementioned statue squirting water into the pool. So if you were wondering, no that is not a real alligator.
If you love the Ellen Trout Zoo think of becoming a member. For just $50.00 you will get free admission for the entire family for the year. Your membership card will get you free or discounted admission to many reciprocal zoos. Priority registration for summer programs and free admission to Zoo Boo.
If your family goes to the zoo three or more times a year, it really is a great deal. There are higher levels of membership that might also be interesting if you have kids that love seeing the animals.