Fredonia Brewery Is Getting Into The Halloween Spirit, Too!
We've seen several posts over the past few days and weeks about Halloween events for kids - Trunk-or-Treats, Fall Festivals, etc. But, we haven't really seen any events for adults. Well, it just so happens, that the Fredonia Brewery in Downtown Nacogdoches is changing that.
Starting at 6:00 PM on October 31st - Halloween, duh - the Fredonia Brewery is kicking off their Halloween party! They've teamed up with SFA Barstool Sports to have a costume contest for people 18 and up. And, they're giving out prizes for costumes! The breakdown of prizes goes like this:
- Best Group Costume(s) - $50
- Scariest Costume - $25
- Funniest Costume - $25
- Barstool Smokeshow (Not quite sure what this is, but whatever...) - $25
There's also going to be a $25 prize given to one random person who like and shares the event on Facebook, and tags their friends.
If you're curious about how the winners will be selected, it's actually a fairly simple process. The Fredonia Brewery staff and SFA Barstool Sports staff will choose the finalists in each category. Then, it's up to the crowd. The crowd's reaction will determine the top three finalists. So, if you're in the crowd, you get to determine the outcome!
More information can be found at the Fredonia Brewery Facebook page.
It sounds like a pretty cool way to spend Halloween, if you ask me. They do ask that attendees practice safe social distancing and to wear a mask while inside of the brewery.

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