Safe Trick-Or-Treat Fun in Downtown Lufkin
Your kids can't get enough Halloween candy? Take the kids downtown Lufkin today from 3 pm - 5 pm for some safe daylight trick-or-treating.
Today Tuesday, October 31st Main Street Lufkin will host the 28th annual Downtown Lufkin Halloween Trick-Or-Treat. Downtown merchants and professionals will welcome little munchkins into downtown Lufkin for their annual Trick-or-Treating event, offering safe Trick-or-Treating during daylight hours. The Trick-or-Treating will last from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm on October 31st. Participating businesses are awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes for the best window decorations and employee participation. Churches, businesses and organizations are invited to set up booths and pass out candy to the children.
Participating businesses and offices can be identified by Halloween decorations at their entrance. Barbara Thompson, Main Street director, said all kids twelve and under are invited to participate and all must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
"Businesses and organizations from outside the downtown area will also be joining the downtown merchants adding more fun to the event, she said.
“This year children are invited to Trick or Treat on Burke, Shepherd, Second and Third Streets as well as Lufkin Avenue where merchants will be passing out candy,” she said. “Due to traffic congestion, there will be no Trick or Treating on First Street between Lufkin Avenue and Burke Street.”
If you have any questions please call the Main Street office at 936-633-0205. Get your kids a head start on Halloween with candy from all the stores in downtown Lufkin.
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