Safe Trick-Or-Treat Fun in Downtown Lufkin
Getting your kids all the candy they dreamed of during a pandemic is a hard ask. You want to make memories, but you also don't want to go to a bunch of houses in your neighborhood. If they are even giving out candy. Here is a great solution. Take the kids downtown Lufkin for some safe daylight trick-or-treating.
On Friday, October 30th Main Street Lufkin will hosts the 31st annual Downtown Lufkin Halloween Trick-Or-Treat. Downtown merchants and professionals will welcome little munchkins into downtown Lufkin for their annual Trick-or-Treating event, offering safe Trick-or-Treating during daylight hours. The Trick-or-Treating will last from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Participating businesses and offices can be identified by Halloween decorations at their entrance. Kids twelve and under are invited to participate and all must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
There is also vendor space available to businesses and local organizations that are not located in downtown Lufkin. Go to visitlufkin.com to get a booth and add to the festivities. This ensures there will be a wide variety of places to stop in and get candy.
If you have any questions please call the Main Street office at 936-633-0205. Get your kids a head start on Halloween with candy from all the stores in downtown Lufkin.
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