Skate Break For Spring Break
If you are looking for something to do with the kids for Spring Break, this might be it. Get out with the family and get some exercise while supporting local businesses. The Skate Ranch in Lufkin, and Skate O Rama in Nacogdoches are both open with daily extended hours to work off some extra energy. You could get off work, and spend some quality time with the kids.
Both places are doing special promotions. Tonight (March 9th 2021) in Lufkin is Scout Night, with free admission when you wear your scout uniform. In Nacogdoches they are doing the same thing, it's just tomorrow the 10th. Both places are having a princess and super hero night on the 11th. Free admission when you wear a costume.
Lots of special events this week at both places. If you are wondering what business to support that give the family something to do together, these are the ones. I see those posts in facebook lamenting about nothing for families to do in East Texas. The entire time, I see businesses like this, just chugging along, and not getting the recognition for what they are doing. As roller skating rinks around the country fall away, ours are thriving.
Skating is experiencing a huge surge in interest during the pandemic. Retro skating brands have released limited edition skates, and their promotion of the sport has increased interest all over the country. Social media platforms like TikToc and Snapchat have seen an increase on hashtag #rollerskating due to this renewed interest.
Though not mentioned on their sites, I would pick a mask that helps you breath normally while skating, and wear it at all times. Being physically active, indoors, in groups could be a risky activity.
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