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  • The Texas climate has one long allergy season
  • Something is always pollinating
  • Plants make us sneeze, so we eat them

In Texas, we get relief from seasonal allergies for just one month a year: January.

It's only in the coldest of months that everything living in our ecosystem takes a break from pollinating themselves into existence. From ragweed to cedar trees there is always something in the air.

Every year the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America releases data on which cities are the worst places for those that suffer from allergies. Texas always has a few cities on the list, but for the past few years, five of them have consistently made an appearance.

From Houston To El Paso, Texas Keeps Anti-Allergy Medicine Manufacturers In Business

In Texas we have higher-than-average spring and fall pollen almost everywhere, unless you are in the Texas desert. Yes, there is a desert in Texas and it's named after a tiny Mexican dog.

I'm sure if you lived in the Chihuahuan Desert in West Texas, dust storms would be more of an issue than pollen coating your car. Big Bend Country aside, much of Texas is covered with green and yellow.

The more than 100 million Americans that live with all different kinds of allergies might want to consider not coming to Texas due to the challenges they could face when they get here.

Is this a thinly veiled attempt to keep people from moving to my home state from all over the U.S.? Not really, as I know that won't work. The allure of Texas is too strong.

Here is the list of the five most pollinated cities in Texas.

Top 5 Texas Cities For Allergies

These metro areas hit a 2023 list of 100 Cities that are the worst for seasonal allergies in the U.S.

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